Historic photos from around Norton…

1 East Norton RR Station
The former East Norton Railroad Station on East Main Street is one of the few railroad stations designed by Richard Upjohn, one of America's first great Gothic architects. He designed Trinity Church in New York City. The station was built in 1853 beside the Taunton branch line. During the early 1900's about 14 passenger trains a day traveled on this line. Frank Clapp met each train carrying people to and from the center in his horse drawn 'station' wagon. Later he used a Model T Ford touring car.

Meadowbrook Railroad
The Meadowbrook Railroad Station was on Route 140 across from Meadowbrook Pond on the Taunton/Attleboro railroad line. In 1900 this area was called Norton Furnace. Meadowbrook had a post office at that time. Mrs. Lydia Lincoln Austin was the station agent as well as the postmaster. Notice the framed device built on the roof which extends out. A mail pouch would be fastened to the frame and be picked up by a catcher arm on a passing train. The railroad through Meadowbrook was built in the 1860's.

Barrowsville Railroad
Barrowsville Railroad Station was situated on South Worcester Street diagonally across from where the Barrowsville Station store is today. In 1900 the station agent was Savillion Bates. Notice the kerosene lamp posts along the tracks. The station building is now a house.

Polo Diner
The Polo Diner stood on Taunton Avenue just beyond Howard Street. The diner consisted of two former Norton trolleys. Mr. Jette, the owner, enjoyed playing polo on roller skates, a game called rollo-polo, hence the name Polo Diner. He opened the diner in the 1930's. Evangelica Teixeira later bought the business and ran a very popular eating establishment for several years.

Norton Center
This is a view of Norton Center in the 1920's. In the foreground is the Wheaton Inn which was the former home of Judge Laban Wheaton, founder of the Wheaton Seminary. The First Congregational Parish (Unitarian) Church is viewed in the background. Its bell was cast by Paul Revere and Sons in 1810. From Norton Center one could ride a trolley to Taunton, Attleboro or Mansfield and points beyond. The Norton trolley company was called the NTA(Norton, Taunton, Attleboro).

Winnecunnet Lake
Winnecunnet Lake is the only large natural body of water in Norton. In the 1930's and 1940's, people from the cities would park along Bay Road to enjoy a day of swimming and boating. Lankey Reinhard ran a very popular ice cream stand, the Arrowhead, on the lake's bank.

King Philips Cave
Near Winnecunnet Lake on Plain Street is Great Rocky Hill where King Philip's Cave is located. Orriginaly named Metacomet, the Pilgrims gave the man for which the cave was named the name Philip. He was the Chief Sachem of the Wamponoag. King Philip frequently visited Winnecunnet on fishing and hunting trips, staying in the cave at Great Rocky Hill.

George Leonard Mansion
Prior to 1700, Major George Leonard built the Leonard Mansion which stood until the early 1960's. It is said that Leonard made a league with the devil in order to acquire great wealth. He promised his body to the devil when he died. Leonard became very rich and an influential citizen of the town. In 1716 when Leonard died, the devil came to claim his body. Surprised in the act, the devil climbed out a window. He jumped so hard on some rocks , he left footprints there. One can see those footprints on the rock by the parking lot of the Solomonese School. The mansion was situated at the corner of West Main and North Worcester Streets where Chartley Corner Plaza is today

The Witches Bridge
In its early years, Norton had been known to have its witches. Dora Leonard and Naomi Burt, reputed as witches, would cause trouble to those who displeased them. Cattle would disappear or wheels would fall off wagons. Ann Cobb dealt in the 'black art' and was in league with the 'Old Scratch.' Passing away in 1798, the Power Street Bridge has since been called the Ann Cobb Bridge and the Witches' Bridge.

Frates Dairy
Frates Dairy was a very popular eating place in the 1950's at the beach by the Norton Reservoir. Notice the milk bottle sign. On warm summer days, people enjoyed swimming and boating. There was a swan boat which cruised people around the beautiful body of water. Jasmine's Garden Restaurant is situated there today.

Winnecunnet Turkey Farm
The Winnecunnet Turkey Farm was situated behind the Winnicunnet Cemetery and Bay Road. Here, as many as 10,000 turkeys were fattened for the Thanksgiving market. They strutted about the 200-acres farm which was originally the winter home of a tribe of gypsies. When the gypsy queen died, the tribe sold the land and it became one of the largest turkey ranches in the country.

Norton Savings and Loan Association
The Norton Savings and Loan Association was founded by a group of businessmen in 1890. This group was interested in forming an organization whereby the townspeople might avail themselves of the opportunity to buy and build homes. At first, association meetings were held at the Wetherell store (Chartley Country Store) and later at the home of Charles C. Valentine at Valentine's Corner. In 1938, the association built this Cape Cod office building next to the Unitarian Church. Daily office hours were instituted with Marguerite Mondor as full-time clerk. The Mansfield Co-operative Bank is found at this site today.

Norton Center School Not Same
Prior to 1902, Norton did not have a high school. Any student desiring a high school education had to go out of town with Norton paying the tuition. In 1902, the town constructed a four-classroom school on land donated by Mrs. Evan Wheaton. Three of the rooms were elementary and the fourth room functioned as a high school. In 1915, the town voted to erect additions to both ends of the school. The first floor housed the grammar school while the second floor contained the high school. In 1966, the school building was razed. The Norton Historical Society's third schoolhouse now stands on this site.

Methodist Episcopal Society
In 1873, the Chartley Methodist Episcopal Society was organized in Norton meeting in private homes in Chartley which was then known as Lane's Station. The chapel was built in 1875. Around 1900, the chapel was raised, a wing added and the bell tower built. Notice the buggy stall shed in the rear. This church is now known as the Chartley United Methodist Church.

Presidents House
The President's House was built around 1829 by Judge Labon Wheaton as a wedding gift to his son, Labon M.Wheaton and bride, Eliza Baylies Chapin Wheaton. Mrs. Wheaton lived there for 76 years. From the time of her death to the present time it has been the home of the presidents of Wheaton College.

Meadowbrook Pond
As one drives along Taunton line, very picturesque Meadowbrook Pond is seen on the right. Over the years various mills operated there. Until 1941 ice harvesting was done with the ice house located by the railroad tracks.

Josiah Hunt Farmhouse
This farmhouse was built in the late 1700's or early 1800's. Until 1964 it was owned and lived in by descendants of Josiah Hunt, who was born in Norton in 1775. The original house was expanded with an 'L' and woodshed in 1867. The barn was erected in 1835. Today the barn's interior exposed beams and wrought hewn walls provide a quaint atmosphere for Barbara Silvia's shop Wildberry Crafts on South Washington Street.

Woodward Bros Ice Wagon
The Woodward Brothers ran an ice-cutting operation along with their Sawmill Curve on East Main Street. This was situated where the 495 highway crosses Route 123. The Woodwards stored the ice in their three ice houses. Harold Woodward and his horse, Major, come to their houses so they could have chips of ice from the back of the wagon to cool their thirst on hot, summer days.

Barrowsville Ice House
In the early 1900's a large ice harvesting operation was situated on Barrowsville Pond. It was owned by the Providence Ice Company. A spur track from the railroad main line ran to the ice houses where freight cars were loaded with blocks of ice for shipment. The ice-harvesting industry disappeared with the development of electric refrigeration.

Cole Memorial Chapel
As one approaches Norton Center a beautiful white spire appears in the skyline. This is the spire of Wheaton College's Cole Memorial Chapel designed by Ralph Adams Cram in 1918. It was named in honor or Rev. Dr. Samuel V. Cole, president of Wheaton Seminary. Cram and his architectural firm designed the grounds and several buildings of Wheaton's Old Campus. The front of the chapel overlooks the Dimple while its beautiful pillared back faces Peacock Pond.

Trinitarian Church
In 1832, the Trinitarian Congregational Church was organized in Norton with its first meeting house built in 1834. In 1878, Eliza B. Wheaton had Wheaton College's old gymnasium moved and attached to the church's main sanctuary. In 1882, Wheaton had the entire church rebuilt at her own expense and furnished a Howard clock for its tower. The architect, Stephen C. Earls, designed this early Colonial Revival building. Earls designed more than 15 churches in his home town of Worcester

Old Public Library
When standing on the common facing Mansfield Avenue you see a handsome brick and brownstone building--the Old Public Library. It was designed by Stephen C. Earle, one of Worcester's best known 19th century architects. Mrs. Eliza B. Wheaton gave the building and land to the town for the use as a library. It was dedicated in 1888. As you walk up the steps you will notice two guardian owls looking so wisely at you. When the new public library was opened on East Main Street this building and land was returned to Wheaton College.

Old Town Hall
Harriet Newcomb presented the Old Town Hall to the town in 1882 as a tribute to her father, Nathaniel Newcomb. She hired a prominent New Bedford architectural firm, Caleb Hammond and Son, to design the building. Many of this firm's buildings are found all over central New Bedford. Other events besides the town's political and financial business were held here. Over the years movies, minstrel shows, dances, plays, graduation exercises and basketball games were held in the hall. Today, it houses the Wheaton College Bookstore.

George Talbot House
The impressive George Talbot House stands next to the Old Town Library on Mansfield Avenue. Across the street at 7 Mansfield Avenue is the former J.C. Pratt house. Mr. Talbot owned the Talbot Wool Combing Company on Elm Street while Mr. Pratt became Norton's postmaster in 1906 and ran Pratt's Country Store in the center. Both of these houses were designed circa 1908 by May Davis Mason. One of the firms that employed Mr. Mason during his career was the Witherell Construction Company in Taunton.

District School No 5
The District School #5 was located on the corner of Newland and North Washington streets. This photo taken in 1913 shows Miss Burke standing in front of the school with her class. The children are members of the Beebe, White, Scott, Foster and Sweet families. When the school was closed it was moved to West Main Street to be used as a fire station. Today it is the home of the Senior Citizen's Drop-in Center.

Chartley Fire Station
The entire Norton Fire Department apparatus lined up in front of the Chartley Fire Station on South Worcester Street to celebrate its opening in November 1956. Chief Harold Wetherell gave the land in 1955 for the new station. It was built in 1956 by William F. Fales at the cost of $28,000. The station was closed in 1991.

East Norton Post Office
The East Norton Post Office was situated along the tracks by the East Norton Railroad Station. Mail arriving on the morning train was sorted by the station agent, Mr. Eli Wood. Then mail would be taken to the Center Post Office. This building was moved across the tracks to a private resident's backyard. In 1905 when Charles Bruce became postmaster, the post office was moved into the railroad station. The station closed in 1948.

Wheaton College Observatory 2
This brick building can be seen behind the Wheaton College president's house on East Main Street. This observatory was built in 1917 under the direction of the superintendent of buildings and grounds by college employees. It was made mainly out of material left over from other building operations on the campus. It housed a six-and-a-half-inch refracting telescope. The building was closed in the 1970's when a new observatory was located on the roof of the science building. It was reopened for student housing in 1990.

NHS First Baseball Team
According to the late Charles Randall, high school principal, the baseball team of 1924 was the best at that time to ever represent the high school. The team won games from Taunton, Mansfield, Foxboro, Plainville and Wrentham. The team practiced at the Wetherell Field off South Worcester Street in Chartley. Seated left to right: William Adair, Alfred Hewins, Harold Wetherell (former fire chief), Lee Harper, Arthur Ross and John Wilder. Standing left to right: Donald Stewart, Charles Flaherty, Alex Stewart, Charles Randall - principal, Wilfred Yelle and Robert Young.

District School No 7
During recess on a spring school day in the early 1900's the boys wearing their long socks and knicker pants enjoyed playing baseball. Their field was the front yard of #7 District School on South Washington Street. Adelaide E. Austin was their teacher and Chester F. Butts was the janitor.

Homer Lane House
On West Main Street by the entrance to the Solmonese School stands the Homer L. Lane house. Mr. Lane and his brother, Howard, carried on a laundry business in the building where Reliable Electric is today. He also managed a large farm on the land where the school is located. The red brick silo was attached to his barn.

The Bruce House
On North Washington Street just before approaching Essex Street are some early homes once owned by the Bruce family. The Bruces were basket makers who made all sorts of baskets of oak or ash from the local woods. Though basket making in the 19th century never brought large pay, it required little overhead expense and could mean a good livelihood for a family. Some men worked at it during the off seasons in other lines of work.

Hodges House
In the southwest corner of Norton, there is a street two miles and six-tenths long that runs from the Taunton line to the Attleboro line. In 1855, there were 10 houses on this road and five were owned by Hodges. This road was appropriately named Hodges Street. The Hodges were among the early settlers. They held many important town positions, military offices and were successful farmer and businessmen.

Gary Rocks
Barrowsville Mill-Pond was the site of early mills. On the northerly side of the pond can be seen some large rocks. According to Clark's History of Norton, a Miss Gary disappeared in the autumn of 1782. The next spring her body was found by some children between these large rocks. From this event the rocks became known as Gary Rocks.

Norton Flea Market
For several years Norton was known throughout the region as the town with the largest weekly flea market in New England. This huge Sunday flea market was held on Charles's Pino's land on Mansfield Avenue by the Norton Reservoir. It was an extremely busy flea market run by Richard Pino and George Bernheimer. Today the Great Woods Marketplace is situated on this land.

Bellavance Lunchroom
This house can be seen on Barrows Street across from the Barrowsville Pond. From the 1930's to the 1950's, Oscar and Blanche Bellavance ran a lunchroom in the small front addition to their home. They served light lunches, sandwiches and ice cream with music from their juke box. Oscar's lunchroom was a very popular eating place enjoyed by the neighbors and the workers employed at Defiance Bleachery which was located behind the house.

Wheaton College
Back in the 1980s and 90s, free concerts sponsored by Great Woods held on the Wheaton College campus during the summer, children have enjoyed playing up and down the dimple. This depression began as a cellar hole for a barn. It was sloped into its present form when Emerson dining hall was built in 1908. Originally it was going to be a reflecting pool, a formal garden or a Greek ampitheatre. None of these plans materialized. But it does provide a natural ampitheatre for frolicking children during warm summer evening concerts.