Lanky Reinhard
Every town has its heroes, leaders and role models. The town of Norton is no exception. In the 1920's on the Old Bay Road, near Ann's Place, a young Lawrence Lanky Reinhard started Arrow Head Ice Cream. His great ice cream, along with the beautiful location, attracted visitors every weekend. People would show up, swim for the day, relax, and enjoy the ice cream. Lanky was also responsible for starting the Winnecunnet Yacht Club. Located on Lake Winnecunnet, Lanky had floats in the water with bon fires and speed boat rides were only 35 cents. Lanky was also great with children. When the beach on Lake Winnecunnet opened up in the 1930's, Lanky would teach the Sea Scouts morse code and the art of handling small boats. Lawrence Reinhard lived in Norton, Massachusetts for 70 years. His dedication and devotion to Norton will be remembered by many. 'Lanky, in a lot of ways was one of the last links to the Norton I remember growing up in,' reflects one.